
About Me

Hello, welcome to my blog!  My name is Kara and I LOVE being a teacher

Me and my Millie 😘

I currently teach middle school in Arcadia, Indiana. Over the years, I have taught kindergarten through fourth grade, as well as seventh and eighth.  You could say I've dabbled in just about everything - grade and subject!  However, for most of my career I've been teaching sixth grade science.

Teaching is truly my dream job and passion.  It is challenging, constantly changing, and allows me to tap into my creative side on a regular basis.  Yes, it is hard, but I wouldn't want any other job.

I love learning and connecting with other educators throughout the world.  Collaboration is how we truly learn and grow the worlds around us and I also want this same experience for my students.  Therefore, I started this blog to help me understand the "blogging" world.  I am not a writer at heart, but I do love to reflect on my life, learning, and experiences.  I want this for my students as well...this is what inspired me to create a blog.  

I hope this space allows me to reflect regularly on what is happening in my classroom, the good and the bad.  I also hope that it gives me better insight into helping my students create their own reflective blogs about what they are learning in my classroom throughout the year.  Ultimately, we will be on this journey together.

Thank you so much for visiting and I encourage you to come back regularly!

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